Love is enough to wake one up
to the nightmare one's life is becoming,
but it is not enough
to erase the nightmare
so what to do?
get your dragon slaying sword out and your armour made of baby's breath, while adorning yourself with golden rings made of fairy's hair?
i'm afraid not.

its not roped together
in chapters
and bound up in bindings.
its not alphabetized,
it doesn't carry with it
the pleasant smell of yesteryear
guised as mold and dust.
words aren't always pretty, people don't always have time.
anger exists,
and hate, and hurt.
healing is true too. and peace and serenity and submission and letting go.
and its not really a nightmare dragon at all.
its just you.
trying to get out of your way,
and be ok with the choices you've made,
as much as you may not be able stand those choices now at all.
the work now, as always, is to be.
love and be loved
be a partner, a friend
involved and helpful
and important.
to love
dragon's off again to bed
to tell stories
to children still afraid
enough to listen
if you blink your eyes-
just a little bit-
chances are
you'll miss him
dragons tell secrets
like that too
making up just enough
bad parts
to make the good parts
seem untrue
so when a dragon talks
listen with just one ear cocked
and hopefully the half
filled with all the true
will be the part that
makes it through
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