the moon goddess gathered everyone together one night,
"today we will rest from our plight"
the ocean goddess took it characteristically lightly
the goddess of rain just smiled
the goddess to whom noone shall lie,
strained hard to see in the dark
mountain goddess through up her arms
proclaiming this meeting to be in vain
the goddess of order and disorder too,
stood alone, and stared at the goddess of moon,
"tell me your pains, what work you have done,
and i'll tell you we've done the same- everyone;
but rest's not what we need, because
as we give out, we take back in- a million times over-
unless, you've been doing it wrong?"
the moon goddess winced and admitted her glow
had been fueled all on her own
and she never asked for anything returned,
"that is how goddesses do it," she said.
"with strength. with power. alone."
the goddess of order and disorder listened and understood
what had to be done.
"Mys sister dear, we don't need to sleep, we don't need to stop,
give me your hand, and let me help. take from me, what you need to give to the glow."
The moon goddess did as she was told, and the moon lit up brighter then it had in one hundred years.
and the brighter it glowed, the stronger the moon goddess became, until both were beaming as if they had just been born.
the meeting adjourned, with only this one lesson learned.
and the moon goddess was ok with that.
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